Cancelling sales orders

When can a sales order be cancelled?

A sales order can be cancelled at any time if the user has the appropriate user right, if the user does not have the appropriate user right the order cannot be cancelled when it has been partially processed or delivered.

You can enable the user right by doing the following:

  1. Navigate to System / Users and Passwords.
  2. Enter (or select) the username of the appropriate user in the User text box. 
  3. Click the Other tab.
  4. Enable the Cancel Allocated Sales Orders user-right.
  5. Click the Accept button.

Cancelling a sales order that has been partially delivered or processed is not recommended. It is best practice to rather unallocate the serial numbers from the order first to keep track of stock movement.

What happens when a sales order is cancelled?

When the sales order has been partly processed only the balance of the order will be removed by the generation of negative sales order entries.

Any other allocated items that have not been processed will be automatically removed.

Cancelling a sales order

Watch this video to see how to cancel a sales order or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Log in to Fincon Accounting.
  2. Navigate to Orders / Sales Order / Cancel Sales Order.

Specify the search options

  1. Select what field to search on in the Search on option.
  2. Select the order type to search for in the Order Type option.
  3. Select the stock location to search in from the Location dropdown list.
  4. Enter what to search for in the Positioning Value text box.
  5. Click the OK button.

Cancel the appropriate sales order

  1. Select the appropriate sales order and click the Cancel Order button.
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