Viewing gross margin information on documents

What is required for a user to view this information?

A user has to have the right to be able to view the margin information on sales documents.

You can enable the user-right by doing the following:

  1. Navigate to System / Users and Passwords.
  2. Enter (or select) the username of the appropriate user in the User text box. 
  3. Click the Other tab.
  4. Enable the Margin Display on Sales user-right.
  5. Click the Accept button. 

Remember that the effected user will then have to log out of Fincon Accounting and back in for the changes to take effect.

How do I view the gross margin information on documents?

Watch this video to see how to view gross margin information on documents or follow the steps below it.

You can view two separate kinds of gross margin information on documents:

  • Gross margin information for the document as a whole.
  • Gross margin information for individual line items. 
The next steps assume that you are already working in the required document window.

Viewing gross margin information for the document as a whole

To view this kind of gross margin information, simply click the Margin button to the right of the window.

Viewing gross margin information for individual line items

To view this kind of gross margin information, simply select the relevant line item, and click the Cost button to the right of the window.

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