How do I enable purchase order approval?
- Navigate to System / Company Parameters.
- Click on the Global Settings tab.
- Click on the Orders tab.
- Enter Y in the Approve Purchase Orders for Printing text box.
- Click the Accept button.
Each supplier account needs to have this parameter enabled as well. It is enabled by default when you create a supplier. If you have disabled it you can change this by doing the following:
- Navigate to Creditors/ Account Maintenance.
- Enter (or select) the appropriate creditor in the Account Number text box.
- Click on the Financial Detail tab.
- Enter Y in the Approve Purchase Orders text box.
- Click the Accept button.
What changes when purchase order approval is enabled?
It allows you to send or print the purchase order.
What are the steps to approve a purchase order?
Watch this instructional video to see how to approve a purchase order or follow the steps below it.
Navigate to the correct window
- Navigate to Orders / Purchase Orders / Approve Purchase Order.
Enter the list parameters
- If you wish to only list purchase orders made to a specific creditor, enter (or select) the appropriate creditor account number in the Account text box.
- Select the location that you want to list purchase orders for from the Location dropdown list.
Generate the list
- Click the Accept button.
Approve the purchase order
- Select the appropriate purchase order and click the Approve button.
Print the list
This step is optional.
- Click the Print button.
- Specify the print options.
- Click the OK button.