Converting a purchase order to an SRV

What are the steps to convert a purchase order to an SRV?

Watch this video to see how to convert a purchase order to an SRV or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Creditors Expenses Incurred.

Call up the appropriate purchase order

  1. Enter (or select) the appropriate purchase order in the Order Number text box.

Enter the SRV details

  1. Enter the SRV date in the Date text box.
  2. Select the appropriate period from the Period dropdown list.
  3. Select the appropriate option from the Creditor Transaction Option group.
  4. Select the appropriate option from the Transaction Reference group.
  5. Enter the supplier invoice number in the SUPPL INV column, if you so wish.
  6. Enter the project number in the PROJECT NO column, if you so wish.
  7. Enter the department code in the DEPT column, if you so wish.

Save the SRV

  1. Click the Accept button.
  2. Print the SRV by specifying the Print Options and clicking the OK button, or click the Cancel button to close the window.
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