Creating general ledger accounts

There are two ways to create ledger accounts:

Creating general ledger accounts individually

Watch this video to see how to create a ledger account individually or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Ledger / Account Maintenance.

Enter the account information

  1. Enter a six-character code for the account in the Account Number text box.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Check that the following confirmation window has appeared: The account does not exist – do you want to create it?
  4. Click the Yes button.
  5. Enter (or select) the appropriate ledger group in the Group text box.
  6. Enter the name of the account in the Description text box.
  7. Enter (or select) the correct currency code for the account in the Currency text box.
  8. Enter any other fields that you might deem necessary at this stage.

Save the account

  1. Click the Accept button.

Bulk importing general ledger accounts from a CSV file

Watch this video to see how to bulk import ledger accounts with a CSV file or follow the steps below it.

Download the template

  1. Download the template at the bottom of this guide.

Create the CSV file

  1. Complete the spreadsheet with the relevant account information.
  2. Save the file as a spreadsheet in order to reference it later if needed.
  3. Remove all headings, instructions and other tabs.
  4. Save the file as a CSV file.
  5. Close the file.
If the file is not closed, you will get an I/O Error 32 when trying to import the file.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to System / Import Utilities / Accounts / Import Ledger Accounts.

Upload the CSV file

  1. Click the Open File button.
  2. Select the appropriate file and click the Open file button.

Check the group details

  1. Click on the Group tab.
  2. Change the Description of any incorrect groups, if needed.

Import the accounts

  1. Click the Accept button.

Download the template here:

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