
Having customers and their information available to you via the Fincon Accounting system enables you to keep track of valuable data. You gain insight into who you sell to, how much you sell, what you sell, how often you sell, what your market looks like, what type of customers you serve and so on. This helps you determine your revenue streams, and in turn, helps you to build your business strategically. 

With this in mind, it is important to gather and store as much information as possible about your customers for analysis purposes, which will greatly benefit you in the short and long term.

What information can be stored about customers?

The information is separated and covered in the following sections:

General information

Account Number

This is where you enter the required six-character account number which you will use for the customer.


This is where you set whether the customer's account is active or inactive, in other words, be able to be used in transactions or not.

Zero Tax

This is where you set whether the customer's default tax should be zero or not.

Security level

This is where you set the security level for the account, allowing or prohibiting certain users to access the account based on their security level.


This is where you enter the customer's name.

Account reference

This is where you enter an applicable account reference.

Fincon Serial Number

This is where you enter a customer's Fincon Accounting serial number if they also use Fincon Accounting. This will enable you to send documents to them which are encrypted, in other words, protected. The serial number file can only be imported by a Fincon Accounting system of which the serial number matches the one included in the file.


This is where you enter the currency in which the customer's account should be maintained.

Account Detail


This is where you enter the customer's address.


This is where you enter the customer's postal code.


This is where you set the customer's preferred language, either English or Afrikaans.

Telephone Number

This is where you enter the customer's telephone number.

Fax Number

This is where you enter the customer's fax number.

Contact Person

This is where you enter the contact person's name.

Registration Number

This is where you enter the customer's company registration number.

Area Code

This is where you enter the customer's area code. You are able to create it in this window by doing the following:

  1. Enter the area code in the Area Code text box.
  2. Click the Create button.
  3. Enter a description for the area in the Description text box.
  4. Enter the minimum travel distance in the Minimum Distance text box.
  5. Enter the maximum travel distance in the Maximum Distance text box.
  6. Click the Accept button.

Sales Rep

This is where you enter the sales representatives' code responsible for this account. 

Account Manager

This is where you enter the sales rep code of the account manager.

Internal Rep

This is where you enter the sales rep code for the internal representative.

Parent Account

Accounts can be combined on debtor statements to provide for situations where one debtor is responsible for the payment of several separate accounts. This is where you enter this parent debtor account number.


This is where you enter an applicable memo for the customer account.


This is where you enter an applicable note for the customer account.

E-Mail Address 1

This is where you enter an email address for the customer.

E-Mail Address 2

This is where you enter a second email address for the customer.

Additional Contact

This is where you enter any additional contact information for the customer.

Additional Tel No

This is where you enter an additional contact number for the customer.


This is where you enter a category for the customer.

Order Location

This is where you enter the stock location for external sales orders if applicable.


This is where you set the delivery method for the customer.

EComm Password

This is where you enter the customer's password for internet ordering.

Delivery Detail

Delivery Name

This is where you enter the name of the company for deliveries.

Delivery Address

This is where you enter the delivery address for the customer.


This is where you enter the postal code for the customer.

Delivery Instructions

This is where you enter any necessary delivery instructions.

Financial Detail

Credit Limit

This is where you enter a customer's credit limit. When any new customer account is created the default limit will be what is defined under the company parameters. This can be set by doing the following:

  1. Navigate to System / Company Parameters.
  2. Click on the Global Settings tab
  3. Enter the default credit limit in the Default Debtors Credit Limit text box.
  4. Click the Accept button.
  5. Check that the following message box appears: The company parameters have been updated.
  6. Click the Yes button.

A user also has to have the appropriate user right to be able to change the credit limit, do the following to enable the user right:

  1. Navigate to System / Users and Passwords.
  2. Enter the appropriate username in the User text box.
  3. Enter the password for the user in the Password text box, if applicable.
  4. Click on the Other tab.
  5. Select the Change Debtor Credit Limits/Terms tickbox.
  6. Click the Accept button.


This is where you set whether the customer's credit is guaranteed.

A user has to have the right to be able to change credit limits, see how to do this above.

Covered Limit

This is where you enter the customer's credit limit amount which is covered by insurance.

Term Code

This is where you enter the customer's term code. A term code can be created in this window by doing the following:

  1. Enter the term code in the Term Code text box.
  2. Press Enter on you keyboard.
  3. Click the Create button.
  4. Enter a description for the term code in the Description text box.
  5. Enter the term type in the Term Type text box.
  6. Enter the term in number of days in the Days text box.
  7. Enter the number of days to extend the term with in the Days Extension text box.
  8. Click the Accept button.

Price Type

This is where you enter the customer's price type. Read this guide to learn more about customer selling prices.


This is where you enter the discount percentage to be applied to selling prices. When the percentage is entered as a negative amount, the discount percentage will act as an additional markup percentage applicable to the debtor.

Price List

This is where enable or disable the customer's price list. Default selling prices will be used in the cases where a customer's prices are not defines and where the customer doesn't have a parent account price list.


This is where you enter the reason for changing the customer's credit limit, term code or price type if applicable.


This is where you enter the customer's bank detail. The information entered here will be displayed when payments are entered.

Account Number

This is where you enter the customer's bank account number. The information entered here will be displayed when payments are entered.

Branch Code

This is where you enter the customer's bank branch code. The information entered here will be displayed when payments are entered.

Target GP Value

This is where you enter the target gross profit value for the customer.

Tax Number

This is where you enter the customer's tax registration number.

Web List

This is where you set whether to include or exclude the account for web export.


This is where you enter any applicable reference.

PDF Password

This is where you enter the password for PDF documents. This password will be included in all PDF documents for this customer and it will be required to open the document.

Reg Name

This is where you enter the customer's company registration name.

Statement E-Mail

This is where you enter the email address to be used when statements are mailed.

Debit Order

This is where you set whether debit order should be processes for outstanding invoices. When you enter Y it will be enabled, when you enter M debit orders will only be generated for outstanding monthly invoices and when you enter N it will be disabled.

Debit Order Group

This is where you group accounts together for selection in debit order processing. You can enter a number between 0-99

Sales Tax Code

This is where you enter the customer's tax code. This is only used when the system's tax type is set to 2 (document tax).


This is where you set whether interest should be charged on overdue accounts.

Interest Age

This is where you enter the interest age.

Interest %

This is where you enter the interest percentage for the relevant period of interest, in other words, this is where you enter the percentage to be added for a month if interest calculation will be done monthly.

Automatic Currency Revaluation

This is where you set whether the account must be automatically revaluated at the end of each period, using the current exchange rate.

Debtor Detail Change

This is where you set whether users can change the customer's address and name information on quotations, sales orders and invoices.

Approve Sales Orders

This is where you set whether the customer's sales orders must be approved before they can be invoiced.

Print Statement

This is where you set whether the customer required printed statements or emailed statements or non at all.

Back Orders

This is where you set whether back orders are allowed or if the remainder of a sales order is cancelled if it has been partially invoiced.

Deals Only

This is where you set whether the customer is used for deals only.

Disable Serial Number Tracking

This is where you set whether serial number tracking on consignment stock is tracked or not.

On Hold

This is where you set whether the account can be used on invoices or not.

Rebate %

This is where you enter the rebate percentage for the customer. The purpose of this percentage is to manage customer rebates and to increase the cost of sales with the value of the rebate in order to determine the real profit margin per transaction.

Settlement Discount %

This is where you enter the settlement discount percentage for the customer.


Log Quotation, Orders and Invoices

This is where you set whether to add log entries whenever a quotation, sales order, invoice or CRO is entered for the customer's account.

Email Invoices and Credit Notes

This is where you select which email address should be used for invoices and credit notes.

N= Disabled

1 = E-Mail Address 1

2 = E-Mail Address 2

S = Statement E-Mail Address


This is where you enter any applicable notes. You can use an unlimited amount of characters.

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