Customer reporting

What reporting options are available for customers?

You have the following reports available for customers:

Account List

Watch this video to see how to print a list of customer accounts or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you are able to print a list of all customer accounts.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors ReportsAccount List.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the order in which the accounts should be printed from the Sort Order group.
  2. Check the Include Address Detail tickbox to include the address detail for every account, if you wish.
  3. Check the Print Credit Limits and Terms tickbox to print the debtor’s credit limit and terms, if you wish.
  4. Select the appropriate filter option from the Filter Options group.
  5. Enter the required sales representative’s code in the Rep Code text box or leave the field blank to print all the accounts.
  6. Enter the required account category in the Category text box or leave the field blank to print all the accounts.
  7. Enter the required area code in the Area text box or leave the field blank to print all the accounts.
  8. Select to print either all accounts, only active accounts or only inactive accounts.

Print the report

  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Debtor statements

Watch this video to see how to print customer statements or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can print selected or all customer statements.

Statements will always be printed in the account’s currency.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors ReportsDebtor Statements.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the order in which the accounts should be printed in the Statement Order group.
  2. Select what statement type should be printed in the Statement Type group.
  3. Select in what order the statement details should be printed in the Statement Detail Order group.
  4. Select to include all statements, printed statements only or non-printed statements only from the Include group.
  5. Select the appropriate financial year of the statement from the Year dropdown list.
  6. Select the appropriate period of the statement from the Period dropdown list.
  7. Enter the date of the statement in the Date text box.
  8. Enter or select the appropriate debtor account in the Account Number text box, or leave blank for all.
  9. Enter or select a term and area code in the Terms and Area text boxes, or leave blank for all.
  10. Enter an end account number in the End Account text box or leave it blank to include all.
  11. Select what to include or exclude in the relevant checkboxes.
  12. Select what to attach in the relevant checkboxes.
  13. Select to print to the file path indicated on the window, if you so wish.

Print the statement

  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Debtor Age Analysis

Watch this video to see how to view a customer age analysis or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you are able to view and print a customer age analysis.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Debtor Age Analysis.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the appropriate financial year from the Year dropdown list.
  2. Select the appropriate period from the Period dropdown list.
  3. Select the appropriate currency from the Currency dropdown list.
  4. Enter the date to be printed on the report in the Date text box.
  5. If you want to include UD payments in the balances, make sure that the Include Ud Payments checkbox is ticked.
  6. If you want to include UD cheques in the balances, make sure that the Include Ud Cheques checkbox is ticked.
  7. If you want to include credit claims in the balances, make sure that the Include Credit Claims checkbox is ticked.
  8. If you want all children accounts to be consolidated into their parent accounts, make sure that Combine Accounts checkbox is ticked.
  9. Select the appropriate filter options from the Filter Options group.
  10. Select the appropriate options in the Print Options group.
  11. Select the accounts for which telephone numbers must be included from the Tel No dropdown list.
  12. If you want to use the transaction age instead of the invoice age, make sure that Use Transaction Age checkbox is ticked.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options
  3. Click the OK button.

List of Entries/Period

Watch this video to see how to view a list of customer entries for a given period or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print a list of customer transactions for a given period.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / List of Entries/Period.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the financial year from the Year dropdown list.
  2. Select the appropriate period range from the From Period and To Period dropdown lists.
  3. Select the type of customer entries that should be included from the Entries dropdown list.
  4. Select the appropriate options to be included in the Options group.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Invoice Margins/Period

Watch this video to see how to view a list of customer invoices and credit noted including margins for a given period or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print a list of customer invoices and credit notes including margins for a given period.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Invoice Margins/Period.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the financial year from the Year dropdown list.
  2. Select Period from the Select On group to include all the invoices and credit notes for the selected period or select Period and Date from the Select On group to specify a date range within the selected period.
  3. Select the appropriate period from the Period dropdown list.
  4. Enter the appropriate date range in the From Date and To Date text boxes, if applicable.
  5. Select the appropriate location from the Location dropdown list.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Overdue Payments

Watch this video to see how to view and print a list of overdue customer payments or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print a list of overdue customer payments.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Overdue Payments.

Set the report parameters

  1. Enter (or select) the term code in the Term Code text box, or leave blank for all.
  2. Enter the rep code in the Rep Code text box, or leave blank for all.
  3. Enter (or select) the account currency in the Currency text box.
  4. Select the appropriate checkboxes in the Options group.
  5. Select the appropriate filtering option in the Filter Options group.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Zero Rate Tax Report

Watch this video to see how to view a list of zero rate customer tax invoices and credit notes or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print a list of zero rate customer tax invoices and credit notes.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Zero Tax Report.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the financial year from the Year dropdown list.
  2. Select the appropriate period range from the From Period and To Period dropdown lists.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Sales Tax Report

Watch this video to see how to view a list of sales tax invoices and credit notes or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print a list of sales tax invoices and credit notes.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Sales Tax Report.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the financial year from the Year dropdown list.
  2. Select the appropriate period range from the From Period and To Period dropdown lists.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Bank Deposit List

Watch this video to see how to print a list of customer bank deposits or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can print a list of customer bank deposits.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Bank Deposit List.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the appropriate option from the Detail Options group.
  2. Select the financial year from the Year dropdown list.
  3. Select the appropriate period range from the From Period and To Period dropdown lists.
  4. Enter the appropriate date range in the From Date and To Date text boxes.
  5. Enter (or select) the appropriate bank account number in the Bank Account text box.
  6. Enter a deposit reference number in the Deposit Reference text box or leave blank for all.

Print the report

  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Dormant Debtor List

Watch this video to see how to view a list of customers that were dormant for a selected period or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print a list of customers that were dormant for a selected period.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to DebtorsReportsDormant Debtor List.

Set the report parameters

  1. Enter the last invoiced from and to dates in the Last Invoiced Date From and Last Invoiced Date To text boxes.
  2. Select to exclude inactive accounts in the Exclude Inactive Accounts check box, if you wish.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Invoices and Payments/Period

Watch this video to see how to view a list of customer invoices and payments for a given period or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print a list of customer invoices and payments for a given period.

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Invoices and Payments/Period.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the financial year from the Year dropdown list.
  2. Enter (or select) the debtor account in the Account text box, or leave blank for all.
  3. Select the appropriate period range from the From Period and To Period dropdown lists.
  4. Select the appropriate currency from the Currency dropdown list.
  5. Select the appropriate location from the Location dropdown list.
  6. Enter the appropriate date range in the From Date and To Date text boxes.
  7. Enter (or select) the appropriate rep code in the Rep Code text box, or leave blank for all.
  8. Select to exclude fully paid invoices in the Exclude Fully Paid Invoices checkbox, if you so wish.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

E-Mail Address List

Watch this video to see how to view a list of customer email addresses or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print a list of customer email addresses.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / E-Mail Address List.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select to exclude blank email-addresses in the Exclude Blank E-Mail Addresses check box, if you wish.
  2. Select to exclude inactive accounts in the Exclude Inactive Accounts checkbox, if you wish.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Overdue Invoice List

Watch this video to see how to view and print a list of overdue customer invoices or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print a list of overdue customer invoices according to the overdue payment-checking feature. Note that this function is different from the Overdue Payments list, in that the overdue invoice list does not take the account balance or any undeposited payments or unallocated credits into account. The overdue invoice list will therefore highlight allocation problems as well.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Overdue Invoice List.

Set the report parameters

  1. Enter (or select) the appropriate account number in the Account text box, or leave blank for all.
  2. Enter (or select) the deposit currency in the Currency text box.
  3. Enter the date to use for age calculations in the Date text box.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Credit Detail/Account

Watch this video to see how to view and print the credit settings for customer accounts or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print the credit settings for customer accounts.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate tot Debtors / Reports / Credit Detail/Account.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select to Exclude Accounts with Zero Balances from the report, if you wish.
  2. Select to exclude Undeposited Payment/Cheques from the report, if you wish.
  3. Select to Include Accounts not Exceeding the Credit Limit from the report, if you wish.
  4. Select to Combine Accounts for the report, if you wish.
  5. Select the appropriate filter option from the Filter Options group.
  6. Select the appropriate credit option from the Credit Options group.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Outstanding Invoice List

Watch this video to see how to view the outstanding customer invoice entries used to calculate the customer age analysis or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print the outstanding customer invoice entries used to calculate the customer age analysis.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Outstanding Invoice List.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the financial year from the Year dropdown list.
  2. Select the appropriate period from the Period dropdown list.
  3. Select the appropriate currency from the Currency dropdown list.
  4. Select to Include Ud Payments in the report, if you wish.
  5. Select to Include Ud Cheques in the report, if you wish.
  6. Select to Include Credit Claims in the report, if you wish.
  7. Select to Combine Accounts for the report, if you wish.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Debtors Ledger Print

Watch this video to see how to print a ledger for customer transactions or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can print a ledger for customer transactions.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Debtors Ledger Print.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the financial year from the Year dropdown list.
  2. Select the appropriate period range from the From Period and To Period dropdown lists.
  3. Enter the appropriate date in the Date text box.
  4. Enter (or select) the appropriate debtor account in the Account text box, or leave blank for all.
  5. Select to Include Undeposited Cheques in the report, if you wish.
  6. Select to Include Undeposited Payments in the report, if you wish.

Print the report

  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.

Marketing Information List

Watch this video to view a list of customer invoices and marketing information or follow the steps below it.

With this report, you can view and print a list of customer invoices and marketing information for a given period range.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Reports / Marketing Information List.

Set the report parameters

  1. Select the financial year from the Year dropdown list.
  2. Select the appropriate period range from the From Period and To Period dropdown lists.
  3. Select the appropriate location from the Location dropdown list.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.
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