Transferring parts to a CRO

Parts can be transferred to CRO's by performing a stock type transfer.

If serial number tracking is active, serial number scanning on stock transfers must be enabled to transfer from, or to technician stock and/or customer repair orders. 

To enable this do the following:

  1. Navigate to System / Company Parameters.
  2. Click on the Global Settings tab.
  3. Click on the Serial Numbers tab.
  4. Enter Y in the Scan Stock Transfers text box.
  5. Click the Accept button.

Transferring parts to a CRO

Watch this video to see how to transfer parts to a CRO or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Inventory / Stock Transfers / Stock Type Transfers.

Enter the transfer details

  1. Enter the transfer date in the Document Date text box.
  2. Enter a technician code in the Technician text box.
  3. Enter the CRO number in the CRO Number text box.
  4. Enter a remark in the Remark text box, if applicable.
  5. Ensure the correct “from type” is selected from the From Stock Type group.
  6. Select Customer Repair Order from the To Stock Type group.

Enter the items to transfer

Items with serial numbers

  1. Click the Scan button.
  2. Enter (or scan) the serial number in the Current Serial Number text box.
  3. Click the Close button.

Items without serial numbers

  1. Enter (or select) the appropriate item number in the ITEM NUMBER column.
  2. Enter the quantity of the item in the QUANTITY column.

Process the transfer

  1. Click the Accept button.
  2. Print the supporting documentation by specifying the print options and clicking the OK button, or click the Cancel button to close the window.
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