Adding service charges to a CRO

Service charges can be added to a CRO in the following ways:

  1. When amending a CRO
  2. When completing a CRO

Amending a CRO

Watch this video to see how to add service charges to a CRO by amending the CRO or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Workshop / Internal Customer Repair Orders / Amend CRO.

Call up the appropriate CRO

  1. Enter (or select) the appropriate CRO number in the CRO Number text box.

Add the service charges

  1. Click the Stock Used tab.
  2. Enter (or select) the non-stock item number of the charge under the ITEM NUMBER column, under Other Charges.
  3. Enter the quantity of the item under the QUANTITY column.
  4. Enter the unit price of the item under the PRICE EXCL column.

Save the CRO

  1. Click the Accept button.
  2. Print the supporting documentation by specifying the print options and clicking the OK button, or click the Cancel button to close the window.

Completing a CRO

Watch this video to see how to add service charges to a CRO when completing the CRO or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Workshop / Internal Customer Repair Orders / Complete CRO.

Call up the appropriate CRO

  1. Enter (or select) the appropriate CRO number in the CRO Number text box.

Add the service charges

  1. Click on the Stock Used tab.
  2. Enter (or select) the non-stock item number of the charge under the ITEM NUMBER column, under Other Charges.
  3. Enter the quantity of the item under the QUANTITY column.
  4. Enter the unit price of the item under the PRICE EXCL column.

Save the CRO

  1. Click the Accept button.
  2. Print the supporting documentation by specifying the print options and clicking the OK button, or click the Cancel button to close the window.
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