Processing support contract meter readings

Watch this video to see how to process support contract meter readings or follow the steps below it.

Step-by-step guide

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Workshop / Support Maintenance / Process Meter Readings.

Enter the meter reading parameters

  1. Select the appropriate stock location from the Invoice Location dropdown list.
  2. Enter the contract expiry date in the Expiry Date text box.
  3. Enter the meter reading date in the Reading Date text box.
  4. Enter the reading period in the Period text box.
  5. Select the entries to be included in the Entries group.

Process the meter readings

    1. Click the Accept button.
    2. Enter the meter readings in the CURRENT column.
  • The entries are instantly updated as you enter them, you do not have to click Accept. You can change the readings as much as you want until they are invoiced, in other words, the readings are only finalised once they are invoiced.
  • You will be warned if you enter more units than the agreed-upon validation quantity of the contract.
  • You can clear the reading by clicking on the CURRENT column and pressing F5 on your keyboard, entering '0' in this column does not count as a cleared reading, meaning that '0' is considered an entered reading on the system.

Print the list

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.
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