Completing stock take-on routines

This guide is part of the following guide:

Overview of take-on routines

The stock take-on process involves the following steps:

  1. Creating the inventory items
  2. Bringing in the opening stock quantities
  3. Accepting the stock take-on routines

Creating the inventory items

You start by creating the necessary inventory items so that when it comes time to enter the opening quantities later, the inventory items already exist.

When it comes to actually creating these accounts, you can do so by either creating the accounts individually using the Stock Maintenance menu within Fincon Accounting, or you can import the accounts from a CSV file.

What is a CSV file?

A CSV (or Comma-delimited values) file is a simple file where information is seperated with commas. For example, when creating inventory items, Fincon Accounting will expect at least a stock item number and a description. In a CSV file, these would be stored as follows: ITEM-A, ITEM A WITH DESCRIPTION.

You can view the steps required to create your inventory items below:

Bringing in the opening stock quantities

There are two ways in which you can bring in opening stock quantities.

  1. Entering the stock quantities individually
  2. Importing the opening stock quantities

Entering the stock quantities individually

Create the stock-take list

  1. Navigate to Inventory / Stock Take / Create Stock Take List.
  2. Select the sort order for the items on the list in the Sort Order group.
  3. Select the stock type for the items on the list in the Stock Type group.
  4. Select the stock location for the items on the list from the Location dropdown list.
  5. Enter a name for the list in the File Name text box.
  6. Click the Accept button.
  7. Use the Enter key on your keyboard to select and deselect items until only the items that should be included in the list have *’s in the SEL column.
  8. Click the Accept button.
  9. Check that the following message box has appeared: The file has been created successfully.
  10. Click the OK button.
If you have set bin locations and/or stock categories for your inventory items, you can make use of the following buttons:
  • Select All: Select all the items in the list
  • Select None: Select none of the items in the list
  • In Stock > 0: Select all the items on the list with on-hand quantities greater than 0
  • Select Cat: Select all the items on the list with the same category as the item that is currently selected
  • Select Cat In Stock > 0: The same as above, except only for items with on-hand quantities greater than 0
  • Select Bin: Select all the items on the list with the same bin location as the item that is currently selected
  • Select Bin In Stock > 0: The same as above, except only for items with on-hand quantities greater than 0
  • Select From: Select all the items on the list starting from the current selected line to the end of the list
  • Select From In Stock > 0: The same as above, except only for items with on-hand quantities greater than 0
  • Unselect From: Unselect all the items on the list starting from the current selected line to the end of the list

Enter the opening stock quantities

  1. Navigate to Inventory / Stock Take / Enter Stock Count.
  2. Select the stock type for the items on the list from the Stock Type group.
  3. Select the stock location for the items on the list from the Location dropdown list.
  4. Enter (or select) the appropriate file name in the File Name text box.
  5. Click the Accept button.
  6. Enter the corresponding quantities in the COUNTED column.
  7. Click the Close button.
The quantities are saved the moment they are entered. That is why you might have noticed the absence of an Accept button.

Update the stock quantities

  1. Navigate to Inventory / Stock Take / Stock Take Update.
  2. Select the stock type for the items on the list from the Stock Type group.
  3. Select the stock location for the items on the list from the Location dropdown list.
  4. Enter (or select) the appropriate file name in the File Name text box.
  5. Click the Accept button.
  6. Click the Accept button.
  7. Enter I am SURE in the corresponding text box.
  8. Click the Accept button.
  9. Check that the following message box appears: The stock update was successful.
  10. Click the OK button.

Importing the opening stock quantities

Create the stock-take list

  1. Navigate to Inventory / Stock Take / Create Stock Take List.
  2. Select the sort order for the items on the list in the Sort Order group.
  3. Select the stock type for the items on the list in the Stock Type group.
  4. Select the stock location for the items on the list from the Location dropdown list.
  5. Enter a name for the list in the File Name text box.
  6. Click the Accept button.
  7. Use the Enter key on your keyboard to select and deselect items until only the items that should be included in the list have *’s in the SEL column.
  8. Click the Accept button.
  9. Check that the following message box has appeared: The file has been created successfully.
  10. Click the OK button.
If you have set bin locations and/or stock categories for your inventory items, you can make use of the following buttons:
  • Select All: Select all the items in the list
  • Select None: Select none of the items in the list
  • In Stock > 0: Select all the items on the list with on-hand quantities greater than 0
  • Select Cat: Select all the items on the list with the same category as the item that is currently selected
  • Select Cat In Stock > 0: The same as above, except only for items with on-hand quantities greater than 0
  • Select Bin: Select all the items on the list with the same bin location as the item that is currently selected
  • Select Bin In Stock > 0: The same as above, except only for items with on-hand quantities greater than 0
  • Select From: Select all the items on the list starting from the current selected line to the end of the list
  • Select From In Stock > 0: The same as above, except only for items with on-hand quantities greater than 0
  • Unselect From: Unselect all the items on the list starting from the current selected line to the end of the list

Import the stock quantities

Download the template

  1. Download the template at the bottom of this guide.

Create the CSV file

  1. Complete the spreadsheet with the relevant item information.
  2. Save the file as a spreadsheet in order to reference it later if needed.
  3. Remove all headings and other tabs.
  4. Save the file as a CSV file.
  5. Close the file.
If the file is not closed, you will get an I/O Error 32 when trying to import the file.

Import the stock quantities

  1. Navigate to Inventory / Stock Take / Enter Stock Count.
  2. Select the stock type for the items on the list from the Stock Type group.
  3. Select the stock location for the items on the list from the Location dropdown list.
  4. Enter (or select) the appropriate file name in the File Name text box.
  5. Click the Accept button.
  6. Click the Import button.
  7. Select the appropriate file and click the Open button.
  8. Close the window.

Update the stock quantities

  1. Navigate to Inventory / Stock Take / Stock Take Update.
  2. Select the stock type for the items on the list from the Stock Type group.
  3. Select the stock location for the items on the list from the Location dropdown list.
  4. Enter (or select) the appropriate file name in the File Name text box.
  5. Click the Accept button.
  6. Click the Accept button.
  7. Enter I am SURE in the corresponding text box.
  8. Click the Accept button.
  9. Check that the following message box appears: The stock update was successful.
  10. Click the OK button.

Accepting the stock-take on routines

  1. Navigate to System / Take On Routines / Accept Stock Take On.
  2. Enter “I am SURE” in the corresponding text box.
  3. Click the Accept button.
  4. Check that the following message box has appeared: The company parameters have been updated successfully – you must exist FINCON for the menu changes to take effect.
  5. Click the OK button.
  6. Navigate to File / Re-enter as new User.
  7. Log back into Fincon Accounting.

What’s next?

Now that the stock take-on process is done, the next step is to tackle the financial take-on routines.

Download the importing opening stock quantities template here:

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