Importing bank transfers

Importing bank transfers

Watch this video to see how to import bank transfers or follow the steps below it.

Create the CSV file

  1. Complete the spreadsheet with the relevant item information.
  2. Save the file as a spreadsheet in order to reference it later if needed.
  3. Remove all headings, instructions and other tabs.
  4. Save the file as a CSV file.
  5. Close the file.
You can download the template at the bottom of this guide.

Note the following with regards to the information for the CSV import:

  • The transaction type must be “B” or blank, where “B” indicates the “bank” line and the start of the transfer information.
  • The account number is that of the bank account and the amount represents the bank amount to be credited (transfers out of the bank account) or debited (transfers into the bank account) - in other words, the total of the transfer.
  • When you enter the date of an entry it should be in the same format as the date setting in your Fincon Accounting. If no date was entered the transfer date entered on the screen will be used.
  • The GRV or invoice number column is only applicable on detail lines where the account is a debtor or creditor account, whereas the description, project number and department columns are only applicable to ledger accounts for bank transfers – receipts do not have a description field.
  • The payee/description is optional. If left blank, the account name will be used where applicable.
  • The amounts for a transfer must add up to zero and the number of detail line cannot exceed 100.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to System / Import Utilities / Accounts / Import Transfers.

Enter the general details

  1. Enter the date to be used in the Transfer Date text box.
  2. Enter the transfer period in the Period text box.
  3. Enter the bank reference in the Bank Reference text box.
  4. Select the Process to Bank Account checkbox if you want the transfers to be processed to the respective bank accounts.

Upload the CSV file

  1. Click the Open File button.
  2. Select the appropriate file and click the Open file button.

Process the transfers

  1. Click the Accept button.

Download the template here:

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