Receiving items on a CRO back from repair

You can receive items back from repair in two ways, the conventional way by using the Receive from Repair window or by using the Complete CRO window.

It all depends on the way you go through your CRO lifecycle and how you prefer the process to run.

Receive from Repair window 

Watch this video to see how to receive items back from repair in the Receive from Repair window or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Workshop / External Customer Repair Orders / Receive from Repair.

Select the appropriate supplier

  1. Enter (or select) the supplier account number in the Supplier Account text box, or leave blank for all.
  2. Click the Accept button.

Receive the appropriate items

  1. Select the appropriate item and click the Receive button.
  2. Check that the following dialogue box has appeared: Customer Repair Order Receive Detail.
  3. Enter the supplier invoice number in the Supplier Invoice Number text box, if applicable.
  4. Enter the invoice amount in the Invoice Amount text box, if applicable.
  5. Click the Accept button.

Complete CRO window

Watch this video to see how to receive an item back from repair in the Complete CRO window or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Workshop / Internal Customer Repair Orders / Complete CRO.

Call up the appropriate CRO

  1. Enter (or select) the appropriate CRO number in the CRO Number text box.

Receive the appropriate items 

  1. Click on the Items at Suppliers tab.
  2. Select the appropriate item and click the Receive button.
  3. Enter the supplier invoice number in the Supplier Invoice Number text box, if applicable.
  4. Enter the invoice amount in the Invoice Amount text box, if applicable.
  5. Click the Accept button.

Save the changes

  1. Click the Accept button.
  2. Print the CRO by specifying the print options and clicking the OK button, or click the Cancel button to close the window.
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