Scanning GRV serial numbers

Watch this video to see how to scan GRV serial numbers or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Serial Numbers / Scan Serial Numbers / Goods Received Vouchers.

Call up the appropriate GRV

  1. Enter the appropriate GRV number in the Document Number text box.

Enter the serial numbers


  1. Click the Start Scan button.
  2. Enter or scan the serial numbers of the item reflected next to Current Item in the Current Serial Number text box.
  3. Once the process is completed check that the following message box appears: Scanning has been completed.
  4. Click the Ok button.
  5. Click the Close button to close the window.

Range Scan

  1. Click the Range Scan button.
  2. Enter the starting serial number in the Start Serial Number text box.
  3. Enter the end serial number in the End Serial Number text box.
  4. Enter the serial number increment in the Serial Number Increment text box, if applicable.
  5. Click the Accept button.
  6. Check that the following message box appears: Are you sure you want to create [amount] serial numbers that start with [serial number]?
  7. Click the OK button.
  8. Once the process is completed check that the following message box appears: Scanning has been completed.
  9. Click the OK button.
  10. Click the Close button to close the window.
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