Upgrading Fincon Accounting

Note that no users can be logged in to Fincon Accounting for the duration of the upgrade.


  1. Make a backup of your Fincon Accounting data.
    If you are unsure of how to create a backup of your data, consult this guide.
  2. Download the Fincon Accounting installation files.
    If you are unsure of how to download the installation files, consult this guide.
  3. Install the Fincon Accounting server application on the server computer.
    If you are unsure of how to install the Fincon Accounting server application, consult this guide.
  4. Install the Fincon Accounting client application on the server computer.
    If you are unsure of how to install the Fincon Accounting client application, consult this guide.
  5. Run the Fincon Accounting application.
  6. Click the Next button to start the upgrade.
  7. Wait for the upgrade to run.
  8. Check that a confirmation window has appeared with the following message: The upgrade completed successfully.
  9. Click the OK button.
  10. Install the Fincon Accounting client application on the workstation computers.
    If you are unsure of how to install the Fincon Accounting client application, consult this guide.
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