In order to follow the steps, you need to be logged into the top-most company in Fincon Accounting. If you open Fincon Accounting and you don’t have a choice of companies, this note doesn’t apply to you.
Navigate to the correct window
- Navigate to File / Company Maintenance.
- Ensure that everyone currently logged into Fincon Accounting has closed all of their windows.
Enter the company details
- Click the Add button.
- Enter the name of the new company in the Name text box.
- Select a company to copy the structure of from the Copy Structure From box.
- Select whether to copy transactions across by checking the Retain Data checkbox or leaving it unchecked.
- Enter a name for the sub-folder that will be created for the new company in the Folder text box.
The ‘structure’ refers to the following:
Inventory items
User Accounts
Sales Reps
Inventory items
User Accounts
Sales Reps
Create the company
- Click the Accept button.
- At the confirmation window, click the OK button.
- Wait for the company to be created.
- Check that a confirmation window has appeared with the following message: The company has been added successfully.
- Click the OK button.