Allocating serial numbers to a branch order

There are three ways in which you can allocate serial numbers to a branch order:

Manually allocate the serial numbers

This process involves you entering the serial numbers one by one until the scan has been completed.

Performing an auto-scan

The auto-scan function can be used when a number of consecutive serial numbers must be scanned.

Performing a range scan

The range scan function requires you to enter a starting serial number, an ending serial number and an increment between the serial numbers.

What are the prerequisites that have to be in place when scanning serial numbers directly to a branch order?

There needs to be stock loaded onto the system of the items linked to the serial number you want to allocate.

The serial numbers you want to allocate need to be on file in the system.

Allocating serial numbers to a branch order

Watch this video to see how to allocate serial numbers to a branch order or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Serial Numbers / Scan Serial Numbers / Allocate Branch Orders.

Call up the appropriate branch order

  1. Enter (or select) the appropriate branch order number in the Document Number text box.

Allocate the serial numbers

You have the following 3 options to allocate the serial numbers to the branch order:

Manually allocate the serial numbers

  1. Click the Start Scan button.
  2. Enter (or scan) the serial number of the item reflected at the Current Item in the Current Serial Number text box.
  3. Repeat for all the appropriate items.
  4. After the scan is completed, check that the following message box appears: Scanning has been completed.
  5. Click the OK button

Perform an auto-scan

  1. Click the Start Scan button.
  2. Click the Auto Scan button.
  3. Enter a prefix for the serial number in the Prefix text box, if applicable.
  4. Enter the first serial number in the Start Number text box.
  5. Enter the length of the numeric part of the serial number in the Number Length text box.
  6. Enter a suffix for the serial number in the Suffix text box, if applicable.
  7. Enter the number of serial numbers to be created in the Quantity text box.
  8. Click the Accept button.
  9. The following message box will appear: Are you sure you want to allocate [amount] serial numbers, starting with [serial number]?

  10. Click the OK button.

  11. After scanning has been completed check that the following message box appears: Scanning has been completed.
  12. Click the OK button.

Perform a range scan

  1. Click the Start Scan button.
  2. Click the Range Scan button.
  3. Enter the start serial number in the Start Number text box.
  4. Enter the end serial number in the End Number text box.
  5. Enter the serial number increment in the Increment text box.
  6. Click the Accept button.
  7. The following message box will appear: Are you sure you want to allocate [amount] serial numbers, starting with [serial number]?

  8. Click the OK button.

  9. After the scanning has been completed check that the following message box appears: Scanning has been completed.
  10. Click the OK button.
If you received the following message when trying to scan the serial numbers: There are no items to be scanned, you need to make sure that serial numbers haven’t already been allocated and that the Serial Numbers flag of the items isn’t set to N.

You do not need to allocate serial numbers for all the items on the branch order at once, should you want to end the scan prematurely and complete it later, you can click the End Scan button. When you want to complete the serial number allocation, only the serial numbers not yet scanned will remain.

Make sure that the sample serial number displayed at the bottom of the input form is correct before accepting the values.

If errors are encountered during the scanning phase, a list of serial numbers and error descriptions will be displayed upon which you can select to accept or cancel (reverse) the auto scan process.

Only the newly created or updated serial numbers will be affected if the cancel option is selected.

When the branch order is amended after items have been allocated for the current item line with the, you will not be allowed to change the quantity to less than the number of allocated items. You will also be prohibited from deleting the item line. To reduce the quantity or to delete the line, the applicable items must be unallocated first.
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