Viewing a till transaction report

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Point of Sale / Till Transaction Report.

Enter the report parameters

  1. Select the year that you want to pull the report for from the Year dropdown list.
  2. If you want to only list transactions from or to a certain account, enter (or select) the appropriate account in the Account text box.
  3. Enter the appropriate period range in the From Period and To Period text boxes.
  4. Select the appropriate currency from the Currency dropdown list.
  5. Enter the appropriate date range in the From Date and To Date text boxes.
  6. If you want to only list transactions that fall within a certain till reference range, enter the appropriate till reference range in the From Till Reference and To Till Reference text boxes.

Generate the report

  1. Click the Accept button.

View the day-end information for a till transaction

  1. Select the appropriate till transaction.
  2. Click the Day-end Info button.

Print the report

This step is optional.
  1. Click the Print button.
  2. Specify the print options.
  3. Click the OK button.
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