Creating a head office transfer debit note


Creating a head office transfer debit note with a head office GRV

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Creditors / Debit Notes / Enter Head Office Transfer Debit Note.

Enter the debit note details

  1. Enter the head office transfer GRV in the GRV Number text box.
  2. Enter the date of the debit note in the Date text box.
  3. Enter the head office reference number in the H/O Ref No text box.

Make any required changes

  1. Any field that doesn’t have blue text can be edited, depending on how you have set your default text in the Customize window.
  2. To insert a new line for a new item before an existing line item, simply select that line and press the Insert key on your keyboard.
  3. Similarly, to delete an item, select that line and press the Delete button on your keyboard.

Generate the debit note

  1. Click the Accept button.
  2. Print the debit note by specifying the print options and clicking the OK button, or click the Cancel button to close the window.

Create a head office debit note without a head office GRV

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Creditors / Debit Notes / Enter Head Office Transfer Debit Note.

Enter the debit note details

  1. Enter 0 in the GRV Number text box and press Enter.
  2. Check that the following message box appears: Warning: Invalid goods received number or type.
  3. Click the OK button.
  4. Enter (or select) the account number in the Account text box.
  5. Enter the debit note date in the Date text box.
  6. Enter the head office reference number in the H/O Ref No text box.

Enter the inventory items

  1. Select the first open line under the ITEM NUMBER column.
  2. Enter (or select) the appropriate item number in the ITEM NUMBER column.
  3. Enter the appropriate quantity in the QUANTITY column.
  4. Enter the appropriate unit price in the UNIT PRICE column.

Generate the debit note

  1. Click the Accept button.
  2. Print the debit note by specifying the print options and clicking the OK button, or click the Cancel button to close the window.
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