Setting up inventory items barcode labels

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to System / Printing and Utilities / Stock Item Labels / Label Definition.

Create the label definition

  1. Enter a label definition number in the Label Definition text box.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Check that the following message appears: The definition does not exist – do you want to create it?
  4. Click the Yes button.

Enter the label definition details

Label tab

  1. Enter the top and left margins in the Top Margin (mm) and Left Margin (mm) text boxes.
  2. Enter the horizontal and vertical increments in the Horizontal Increment (mm) and Vertical Increment (mm) text boxes.
  3. Enter the columns per page in the Columns per Page text box.
  4. Enter the Rows per page in the Rows per Page text box.

Barcode tab

  1. Select the barcode type from the Barcode Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter the barcode height in the Barcode Height (mm) text box.
  3. Enter the maximum barcode print length in characters in the Print Length text box.
  4. Select to print the barcode text in the Print Barcode Text check box, if you so wish.
  5. Select to add checksum in the Add Checksum check box, if you so wish.
  6. Change the barcode font by clicking on the Barcode Font button, if you so wish.
  7. Select the font, font style, size and script and click the OK button.
  8. Select the ratio between the thinnest and thickest bars from the Bar Ratio slider.
  9. Increase the bar ratio width when scanners experience difficulties in reading the barcodes.
  10. Select the width of the thinnest bar from the Bar Width (mm) slider.
  11. Increase the bar width when scanners experience difficulties in reading the barcodes.
The Bar Ratio ratio refers to the width of the thickest bar in the barcode in relation to the width of the thinnest bar in the barcode. (A ratio of two means that the thickest bar is twice the width of the thinnest bar.)
This width refers to the width of the thinnest bar in the barcode.

Detail tab

  1. Select to print the item number in the Item Number check box, if you so wish.
  2. Select to print the document number in the Doc Number check box, if you so wish.
  3. Select to print the item group number in the Item Group check box, if you so wish.
  4. Select to print the description in the Description check box, if you so wish.
  5. Select to print the document date in the Doc Date check box, if you so wish.
  6. Select to print the document type in the Doc Type check box, if you so wish.
  7. Select to print the item category in the Item Cat check box, if you so wish.
  8. Select the price if any is to be printed from the Price dropdown list.
  9. Enter any additional text to be printed in front of the price in the Price Prefix text box, if you so wish.
  10. Enter any additional text to be printed after the price in the Suffix text box, if you so wish.
  11. Enter any additional text to be printed on the label in the Additional Text text box, if you so wish.
  12. Change the text font by clicking on the Text Font button, if you so wish.
  13. Select the font, font style, size and script and click the OK button.
  14. Change the print order by selecting and dragging the items in the Print Order group.
The barcode size indicated on the screen can differ slightly from the actual printed barcode because of rounding. Most modern laser printers can print at 600 or more dots per inch while images on the screen are represented at 96 dots per inch.

Dimensions can therefore be calculated much more accurately when the printer’s resolution is used and the dimensions on the screen should only be used as an indication.

Save the label

  1. Click the Accept button.
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