Downloading the Fincon Accounting installation files

Before you download anything, make sure that you know whether you are running the normal or Alternate Extensions version of Fincon Accounting. See this guide for more information.

If you are running the Alternate Extensions version of Fincon Accounting, scroll to the bottom of the Upgrade page, and click this button to get to your installation file.

If you are installing Fincon Accounting for the first time, this doesn’t apply to you.

Follow these steps to download the files:

  1. Using your favourite web browser, navigate to
  2. Navigate to the Upgrade page.
  3. down until you find the FinconCSClientSetup.exe.
  4. Click the download button.
  5. Go further down until you find FinconServerSetup.exe.
  6. Click the download button.
What’s next?

After you have downloaded all the necessary installation files, you can proceed with the steps to install Fincon Accounting on the server.
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