Editing customer information


You can edit customer information in the following ways:

All customer information can be edited, except for the Account Number.

To see what information can be stored and then, in turn, be edited, read this guide.

Editing customer information individually

Watch this video to see how to edit customer information individually or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to Debtors / Account Maintenance.

Call up the appropriate customer

  1. Enter (or select) the appropriate account number in the Account Number text box.

Make the required changes

  1. You can edit any field, except for the account number.

Save the changes

  1. Click the Accept button.

Editing customer information in bulk

Watch this video to see how to edit customer information in bulk or follow the steps below it.

Download the template

  1. Download the template at the bottom of this guide.

Create the CSV file

  1. Complete the spreadsheet with the relevant account information.
  2. Save the file as a spreadsheet in order to reference it later if needed.
  3. Delete the descriptions, instructions and examples, not the top row with the headings.
  4. Save the file in CSV format.
  5. Close the file.
Only the Account Number is required to be filled in, the rest of the columns are optional.

Make sure to delete the columns you won't be using.

If you keep the columns in the CSV file that are empty, the current information in Fincon Accounting will be overwritten, if for example, you keep the Address Line 1 blank and you have an address line in that field on the system it will be wiped out.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to System / Import Utilities / Update Records.

Select the import type

  1. Select Debtor Accounts from the Import Type group.

Upload the CSV file

  1. Click the Open File button.
  2. Select the CSV file you created in the previous steps.
  3. Click the Open button (or double-click the file).
  4. Do a superficial check of the import and make any required changes.

Update the accounts

  1. Click the Accept button.

Download the template here:

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