Creating user email settings

Watch this video to see how to create user email settings or follow the steps below it.

Navigate to the correct window

  1. Navigate to System / Mail Settings / User Settings.

Create the user mail definition

  1. Call up a list of all the user accounts by pressing F2 on your keyboard, or right-clicking, while in the User text box.
  2. Select the appropriate user account by double-clicking it, or selecting it and pressing Enter on your keyboard.
  3. Check that a confirmation window has appeared with the following message: The user mail definition does not exist – do you want to create it?
  4. Click the Yes button.

Enter the details

  1. Call up a list of all the user SMTP names by pressing F2 on your keyboard, or right-clicking, while in the SMTP Name text box.
  2. Select the appropriate SMTP name by double-clicking it, or selecting it and pressing Enter on your keyboard.
  3. Enter the user’s specific username in the SMTP User Name text box. This is usually your email address.
  4. Enter the user’s specific password in the SMTP Password text box. (If authentication details are entered here, they will replace the authentication details entered in the SMTP server definition, but only for this specific user, so if you want all users to have the same authentication details and want them all to use the same mailbox, do not enter a username and password here).
  5. Choose Y to use MAPI (ANSI) in the Use MAPI (ANSI) text box, or N if you do not want to use it.
  6. Choose Y to use MAPI (UNI CODE) in the Use MAPI (UNI CODE) text box, or N if you do not want to use it. (If you want to send emails directly from Fincon Accounting, instead of through an email client such as Outlook, both of these should be set to N).
  7. Choose Y to BCC the sender in all emails in the BCC Sender text box, or N if not desired.
  8. Enter the sender’s name in the Sender Name text box.
  9. Enter the sender’s email address in the Sender EMail text box.
  10. Enter the sender’s title in the Sender Title text box.
  11. Enter the sender’s telephone number in the Sender Tel Number text box.
  12. Enter any additional desired user-defined information in the User Defined 1 to 5 text boxes.
User-defined information means that these fields can be whatever you want them to be. There isn’t a hard and fast rule about what should be entered into these fields, it can vary from organisation to organisation.

These fields can be added as tags in the email body. This adds a layer of variability to your emails.

Save the user mail settings

  1. Click the Accept button.
After the user email settings are created it’s time to check that the email functionality has been enabled for the users.
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